You are seeing this message because you are using the Django runserver and the DEBUG setting is False.
Runserver should not be used in the production.
If you do not see page the styling - set DEBUG = True or use --insecure flag with the runserver command.
To serve the static media in the production:
1 | initial version |
Requests to adapt the adaptive chassis control and dynamic chassis control (dcc) to the driving profile fall under the object of driving assist mode (modes that automatically respond to the road conditions, taking into account braking, steering and accelerating operations). This also seems the best fit for the "adapt the driving dynamics to the driving profile"
Requests to adapt car parts to the driving profile fall under the object of driving mode (For references to a driving mode or driving profile).
Correct Annotations:
environmentcontrol:change:drivingassist_mode -- adapt [dcc]<driving_assist_mode> to driving profile
environmentcontrol:change:drivingassistmode -- adapt [adaptive chassis control]<driving_assist_mode> to the driving profile environmentcontrol:change:drivingassistmode -- adapt the [driving dynamics]<driving_assist_mode> to the driving profile
environmentcontrol:change:drivingmode -- adapt the [engine]<car_part> to the driving profile
environmentcontrol:change:drivingmode -- adapt the [steering]<car_part> to the driving profile