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1 | initial version |
Rule of thumb for the <search_phrase> mention in knowledge domain.
Within the display and automotive intents, question words (e.g. "where", "how") should be included in this mention, but words indicating a get intent or a similar intent (e.g. "do you know", "tell me") should not be included in the mention. Within the more specific intents (i.e. the antonym, definition, pronunciation, spelling, synonym and translation intents), exclude both the question words and the words indicating the intent from <search_phrase>.
Correct Annotations
knowledge:display -- [number of countries in europe]<search_phrase> knowledge:automotive -- [what is the most common problem for two thousand four toyota matrixes]<search_phrase>
2 | No.2 Revision |
Rule of thumb for the <search_phrase> mention in knowledge domain.
Within the display and automotive intents, question words (e.g. "where", "how") should be included in this mention, but words indicating a get intent or a similar intent (e.g. "do you know", "tell me") should not be included in the mention. Within the more specific intents (i.e. the antonym, definition, pronunciation, spelling, synonym and translation intents), exclude both the question words and the words indicating the intent from <search_phrase>.
Correct Annotations
knowledge:display -- [number of countries in europe]<search_phrase>
knowledge:automotive -- [what is the most common problem for two thousand four toyota matrixes]<search_phrase>