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To serve the static media in the production:

  • configure your webserver to alias the urls starting with /m/ to the directory /root/askbot/askbot-devel-master/myappmysql1/askbot_site/static;
  • run python collectstatic.

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    Revision history [back]

    click to hide/show revision 1
    initial version

    Ambiguous admin1 vs city: city wins

    Place names that are ambiguous between prefecture (admin1) and city because the unit ("都道府県"・"市") (prefecture|city) is missing should be treated as the finer-grained city.

    Reasoning: Most of these ambiguous cities are the largest/capital cities in their prefectures. We assume when a user says "show me the route to Kyoto" or "find ramen in Osaka" they are likely interested in results for the city and not the whole prefecture.

    However, as you point out, "東 京 都" (Tokyo Metropolis) is not ambiguous as it belongs to the first-level administrative division of Japan - so this should always be annotated as <admin1>

    Correct annotation

    locations:na -- [東 京 都]<admin1>