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    Not sure 'navigate to lynn 's' belongs to business:business or business:restaurant

    asked 2022-10-20 08:21:01 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    Utterance: navigate to lynn 's

    Annotation (proposed):

    1. business:business:getdirections -- navigate to [lynn 's]<named_business_destination>

    2. business:restaurant:getdirections -- navigate to [lynn 's]<named_business_destination>


    According to the search results lynn's can be a name for a lot of kinds of businesses including restaurants. We wonder how to determine the best object given the lack of context, or should we reject it?

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    1 Answer

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    answered 2022-10-20 08:47:37 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    There is not enough information here to determine that the user is referring to a business, please use <person> instead

    Correct Annotation: locations:get_directions -- directions to [lynn]<person_destination> 's

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    Asked: 2022-10-20 08:21:01 +0000

    Seen: 99 times

    Last updated: Oct 20 '22