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    Have no idea how to interpret 'perfil de conduccion'

    asked 2022-11-18 16:17:11 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    Utterances with 'perfil de conduccion': 1. adaptar el control de chasis adaptativo al perfil de conduccion (adapt adaptive chassis control to driving/driver profile ) 2. adaptar el motor al perfil de conduccion (adapt engine to driving/driver profile) 3. adapta el dcc al perfil de conduccion (adapt dcc to driving/driverprofile) 4. adapta la dinamica de conduccion al perfil de conduccion (adapt the driving dynamics to the driving/driver profile) 5. adapta la direccion al perfil de conduccion (adapt steering to driving/driver profile) Question: We have encountered quite a lot of 'perfil de conduccion (driving/driver profile)' in our Spanish projects and we wonder what the correct way to interpret it is. One of our assumptions is to interpret it as 'driving assistance profile' in the 'settings' domain, and the other is to interpret it as some sort of driving mode like individual, making these utterances belong to environment_control instead. However, these two assumptions all seem to work well in some of the utterances yet fail to be reasonable enough in others. Kindly guide us with your thought on this one :D

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    answered 2022-11-21 16:11:49 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    Requests to adapt the adaptive chassis control and dynamic chassis control (dcc) to the driving profile fall under the object of driving assist mode (modes that automatically respond to the road conditions, taking into account braking, steering and accelerating operations). This also seems the best fit for the "adapt the driving dynamics to the driving profile"

    Requests to adapt car parts to the driving profile fall under the object of driving mode (For references to a driving mode or driving profile).

    Correct Annotations:

    environmentcontrol:change:drivingassist_mode -- adapt [dcc]<driving_assist_mode> to driving profile

    environmentcontrol:change:drivingassistmode -- adapt [adaptive chassis control]<driving_assist_mode> to the driving profile environmentcontrol:change:drivingassistmode -- adapt the [driving dynamics]<driving_assist_mode> to the driving profile

    environmentcontrol:change:drivingmode -- adapt the [engine]<car_part> to the driving profile

    environmentcontrol:change:drivingmode -- adapt the [steering]<car_part> to the driving profile

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    Much appreciated. We also found 'driving_assistance_profile' in the settings domain, which is designed 'for references to driving profiles, driving assistance profiles or other stored sets of settings specific to driving or driving assistance.' We wonder when to choose this way of interpretation.

    Vanessa gravatar image Vanessa  ( 2022-11-21 16:12:29 +0000 ) edit

    I have added a section on "settings" in the answer above - I am aware that this is not perfect but this part of the guide is currently being re-worked as it needs to be updated and clarified.

    Jacqui gravatar image Jacqui  ( 2022-11-22 16:18:40 +0000 ) edit

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    Asked: 2022-11-18 16:17:11 +0000

    Seen: 401 times

    Last updated: Nov 21 '22