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    Not sure if it belongs to "get_directions"

    asked 2023-09-01 01:04:12 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image


    1. ashbury road manchester avoid tolls

    2. find the shell station using highways


    1. locations:get_directions -- [ashbury road]<street_destination> [manchester]<city_destination] avoid="" [tolls]<avoid_path_modifier="">

    2. business:gas:get_directions -- find the [shell station]<named_business_destination> using [highways]<path_modifier>


    In above two utterances, the user seems to prefer navigation intent. So we choose "get_directions" even if there are some explicit intents like "na" and "search". We are not sure if this is a correct understanding, if not, we will take them as "other" intent because <path_modifier> is not supported in "na" and "search" intent. Please advise how to deal with this situation, thanks!

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    1 Answer

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    answered 2023-09-04 12:54:05 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image
    1. We agree that an address followed by "avoid tolls" seems to indicate a navigation intent.

    2. We agree that this is a "getdirections" intent, despite the word "find". In the guidelines we have another example with "find" and <avoid_path_modifier> which also uses "getdirections":

    locations:get_directions -- find a route that avoids the [traffic jam]<avoid_path_modifier>

    Correct Annotations

    locations:get_directions -- [ashbury road]<street_destination> [manchester]<city_destination> avoid [tolls]<avoid_path_modifier>

    business:gas:get_directions -- find the [shell station]<named_business_destination> using [highways]<path_modifier>

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    1 follower


    Asked: 2023-09-01 01:04:12 +0000

    Seen: 168 times

    Last updated: Sep 04 '23