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    Confused how to deal with "available" in Tamil

    asked 2023-09-06 02:58:50 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image


    1. நியர் ல\sfx டீசல் கிடைக்குற பங்க்ஸ\lemma:பங்க்ஸ் ை\sfx மேப் புல\sfx காட்டு

    2. டென் ஏஎம் முக்கு\sfx அவெய்லபிள\lemma:அவெய்லபிள் ா\sfx இருக்க சீப்பான வேலட் பார்க்கிங் குக்கு\sfx வழி யை\sfx காட்டு

    EN translation:

    1. show map near diesel available bunk

    2. show directions ten am available cheap valet parking


    1. business:gas:getmap -- [relativelocation] நியர் [/relativelocation] ல\sfx [fueltype] டீசல் [/fueltype] கிடைக்குற [genericbusiness] பங்க்ஸ\lemma:பங்க்ஸ் [/generic_business] ை\sfx மேப் புல\sfx காட்டு

    2. business:parking:getdirections -- [timedestination] டென் ஏஎம் [/timedestination] முக்கு\sfx [availabilitydestination] அவெய்லபிள\lemma:அவெய்லபிள் [/availabilitydestination] ா\sfx இருக்க [costdestination] சீப்பான [/costdestination] [genericbusinessdestination] வேலட் பார்க்கிங் [/genericbusiness_destination] குக்கு\sfx வழி யை\sfx காட்டு


    According to the feedback, அவெய்லபிள\lemma:அவெய்லபிள் (available) should be tagged <availability_destination> and கிடைக்குற (where one can get) should not be tagged as availability. But it seems that both அவெய்லபிள and கிடைக்குற can be translated as "available", meanwhile "where one can get" seems apt to both. So we are confused how to deal with "available" in Tamil. Kindly let us know your thought, thanks!

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    Have forwarded query to Tamil team and am waiting for response

    Jacqui gravatar image Jacqui  ( 2023-09-06 12:53:40 +0000 ) edit

    1 Answer

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    answered 2023-09-06 15:04:00 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    updated 2023-09-06 15:04:27 +0000

    We understand that maybe due to the syntax of Tamil it’s rather difficult to make this distinction regarding the nuances of the word "availability"

    The definition of <availability> according to our guidelines is: For references to the availability of something (e.g. "available", "vacant", "occupied").

    The two utterances in question can be translated in multiple ways.

    1. நியர் ல\sfx டீசல் கிடைக்குற பங்க்ஸ\lemma:பங்க்ஸ் ை\sfx மேப் புல\sfx காட்டு Translations: Show me bunks nearby where I can buy/get diesel on the map , Show me bunks nearby diesel is available on the map (bunks being an Indian English term for gas stations)

    2. டென் ஏஎம் முக்கு\sfx அவெய்லபிள\lemma:அவெய்லபிள் ா\sfx இருக்க சீப்பான வேலட் பார்க்கிங் குக்கு\sfx வழி யை\sfx காட்டு Translations: show me the way to a cheap valet parking available at 10 am , show me the way to a cheap valet parking which is vacant at 10 am

    In the first case we’re talking about availability for purchase (i.e. "does the gas station have diesel?") and in the second case we’re talking about availability for use (i.e. "is the parking service free for use?")

    The <availability> mention in our anno guidelines is meant for the second case which is why it also includes the opposite of available ("occupied"). A good rule of thumb is to consider whether the concept in question combines equally well with the adjectives 'available' and 'occupied'. So, a parking service/ parking slot can be available or occupied, whereas diesel can be 'available' but not 'occupied.'

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    Asked: 2023-09-06 02:58:50 +0000

    Seen: 131 times

    Last updated: Sep 06 '23