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    Confused how to choose mention about google search

    asked 2023-10-20 10:19:52 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    utterance: navigate to santa cruz and take california highway one

    We search the word " santa cruz" in google, and it shows that the word is a named buseness and a city meanwhile.

    Based on the guideline, "Please use your cultural knowledge to decide what the user's intention is. An utterance frequently has more than one possible interpretation. The rule of thumbis to use your linguistic and cultural knowledge to pick the most likely interpretation. If you know that Avatar is a famous movie, use that knowledge to label it appropriately. On the other hand, if you see a phrase referring to something that you're notfamiliar with, use the Internet to identify it. For example, if you see the utterance "find waking life", and you're not sure what "waking life" is, you can searchGoogle and discover that it is a 2001 film by Richard Linklater. You can also see in Google that there is no other competing possibility that is anywhere near aspopular.", so we choose the first shown entity in google and put it in the utterance, which is reasonable.

    Could you tell us the correct procedure for this situation so that we can handle it better next time? Thanks a lot~

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    answered 2023-10-20 11:59:44 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    The procedure you followed is correct, but because the final interpretation comes down to cultural knowledge there will also be room for discrepancy as everyone's cultural knowledge is different. One extra option we have for resolving doubts nowadays is by asking a LLM. I posed the following question to ChatGPT:

    is the phrase 'santa cruz' more likely to refer to a location or a business?

    Here is the answer:

    The phrase "Santa Cruz" is more commonly associated with a location. Santa Cruz is the name of several places in the world, including cities and towns in different countries. One of the most well-known places with this name is Santa Cruz, California, in the United States. It's a coastal city and a popular tourist destination.

    While "Santa Cruz" can refer to a location, it can also be used in business names. For example, there may be businesses, shops, or organizations with "Santa Cruz" in their names, especially if they are located in or associated with the city or town named Santa Cruz. However, the default association for the phrase is with a location.

    Hope this is useful!

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    Asked: 2023-10-20 10:19:52 +0000

    Seen: 93 times

    Last updated: Oct 20 '23