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    Confused about some incomplete situations

    asked 2023-12-12 09:56:01 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    If the song title is incomplete, but we can locate the specific mention by the whole sentence through google website, can this case be annotated normally? Or should be annotated as reject_uninterpretable?

    Based on the part of guideline Fictional Entities, "Some utterances may contain fictional or made-up entities, either drawn from creative works (e.g. "atlantis", "essos") or using common phrases that are stand-ins forarbitrary entities (e.g. "ABC", "X", "john doe", "so-and-so"). In such cases, the entity should be annotated as normal based on what is known about the fictionalentity or based on the context" , we prefer annotating as normal, however there are still many concerns. Can you give us some general advice for situations like this? Thanks a lot!

    The examples as follows:

    play hometown eric church -- audio_media:play:song -- play [hometown]<song> [eric church]<artist>

    (the complete song title is "Give Me Back My Hometown")

    play i think it will rain -- audio_media:play:song -- play [i think it will rain]<song>

    (the correct song title is "I Think It’s Going to Rain Today")

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    answered 2023-12-12 10:53:16 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    Thanks for the query. In the section "Understanding Utterances and Choosing Interpretations", we are told "the rule of thumb is to use your linguistic and cultural knowledge to pick the most likely interpretation". So, for these cases, if the reference to the song is incomplete, but can be found by putting the whole sentence into google, then it is safe to assume that this is the most likely interpretation.

    Since the user is clear about what they want, even if the actual words are not 100% accurate, we prefer to annotate as usual rather than to reject.

    Correct Annotations

    audio_media:play:song -- play [hometown]<song> [eric church]<artist>

    audio_media:play:song -- play [i think it will rain]<song>

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    Asked: 2023-12-12 09:56:01 +0000

    Seen: 84 times

    Last updated: Dec 12 '23