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    Confused how to deal with "東 京 都"

    asked 2024-03-26 08:43:29 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    In google search, Japan is divided into 47 prefectures, which rank immediately below the national government and form the country's first level of jurisdiction and administrative division. They include 43 prefectures proper, two urban prefectures, one regional prefecture and one metropolis. "東 京 都" (Tokyo Metropolis) belongs to the first-level administrative division of Japan.

    And we found "北京" is tagged as <admin1> in the specific example part from the guideline:

    The following shows specific examples of <admin1> in certain languages. These are intended as examples within those languages to clarify the general guidelinesfor <admin1> and should not be used as indications of how to use <admin1> outside of those languages. In other languages, the general guidelines and the generalexamples should be followed for these entities.

    Language Chinese

    Examples "台湾", "香港", "上海", "北京", "澳門", "四川省", "广东省", "湖南省", "甘肃省", "内蒙古"

    We take "東 京 都”and "北京" as the similar cases, so we tagged "東 京 都" as <admin1>. We are not sure if this annotation is correct, kindly let us know your thought. Thanks~

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    answered 2024-03-27 15:11:38 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    Ambiguous admin1 vs city: city wins

    Place names that are ambiguous between prefecture (admin1) and city because the unit ("都道府県"・"市") (prefecture|city) is missing should be treated as the finer-grained city.

    Reasoning: Most of these ambiguous cities are the largest/capital cities in their prefectures. We assume when a user says "show me the route to Kyoto" or "find ramen in Osaka" they are likely interested in results for the city and not the whole prefecture.

    However, as you point out, "東 京 都" (Tokyo Metropolis) is not ambiguous as it belongs to the first-level administrative division of Japan - so this should always be annotated as <admin1>

    Correct annotation

    locations:na -- [東 京 都]<admin1>

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    Asked: 2024-03-26 08:43:29 +0000

    Seen: 86 times

    Last updated: Mar 27 '24