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    Kindly help us figure out how to interpret 'light switch'

    asked 2022-09-28 16:10:44 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image

    Utterance: 1. do you know how to configure the light switch 2. can i use a light switch with this car 3. help me turn off the light switch

    Annotation: 1. environmentcontrol:other -- do you know how to configure the light switch; or: help:general -- do you know [how to configure the light switch]<searchphrase> (Some of us interpret 'light switch' as automaticexteriorlightmode here, yet the combination 'set:automaticexteriorlightmode' does not exist. However, others believe 'light switch' is not restricted in cars.) 2. environmentcontrol:other -- can i use a light switch with this car ('get:automaticexteriorlightmode' does not exist) 3. environmentcontrol:disable:automaticexteriorlightmode -- help me turn off the light switch; or: generic:stop:device -- help me turn off the [light switch]<device>

    Question: We have been running into some utterances with 'light switch' in them and we wonder how to determine the mention and whether to treat it as an unoffical referance to automatic headlights. Kindly give us some feedback on the proposed annotations. Highly appreciate it :D

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    answered 2023-05-17 10:57:44 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    updated 2023-05-17 10:58:00 +0000

    These are strange wordings as normally users will interact with a light rather than a light switch. Although we understand your reasoning, we don't think we can assume this is an unofficial reference to automatic headlights and feel that the user is interacting with the settings of the lights

    "do you know how to configure the light switch"

    Requests to configure options are generally in settings domain. The boundary between the environmentcontrol domain and the settings domain is based on whether the request is to manipulate the physical world, which should be in environmentcontrol, or the virtual world, which should be in settings. Here we understand the user wants to manipulate the virtual world.

    "can i use a light switch with this car"

    Again, here we assume the user wants to manipulate the virtual world and pull up a setting.

    "help me turn off the light switch"

    Again, here we assume the user wants to manipulate the virtual world and turn off a setting.

    Correct Annotations

    settings:set -- do you know how to configure the [light switch]<setting_name>

    settings:get -- can i use a [light switch]<setting_name> with this car

    settings:disable -- help me turn off the [light switch]<setting_name>

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    Asked: 2022-09-28 16:10:44 +0000

    Seen: 174 times

    Last updated: May 17 '23