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    How to deal with articles in Spanish utterance

    asked 2022-08-11 16:10:55 +0000

    Vanessa gravatar image


    activa el asistente a la curva

    English translation:

    activate the curve assistant


    1.environmentcontrol:confirm:enable:drivingassist_mode -- activa el [asistente a la curva]<driving_assist_mode>
    2.environmentcontrol:confirm:enable:drivingassist_mode -- activa el [asistente]<driving_assist_mode> a la [curva]<driving_assist_mode>


    According to the guideline: "Unless a mention has specific rules saying otherwise, only include articles and prepositions and other filler words in a mention if they are necessary for the mention to make sense."

    "a" and "la" are articles in this utterance, but we are not sure if "a la", "asistente" and "curva" should be annotated as a whole word. Or we should annotate "asistente" and "curva" as "drivingassistmode" respectively, because "asistente a la curva" is not a compound word. Please advise which annotation is correct.

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    answered 2022-08-11 16:16:10 +0000

    Jacqui gravatar image

    We need to consider 2 aspects of this annotation.


    Extract from guidelines: "Sometimes the beginning and ending word of a mention will not be clear, because there are words such as articles (e.g. "a" or "the"), prepositions (e.g. "to", "of") or particles (e.g. "'s") next to the mention. Unless a mention has specific rules saying otherwise, only include articles and prepositions and other filler words in a mention if they are necessary for the mention to make sense."

    The guideline regarding the inclusion of articles and prepositions refers to words at the beginning and ending of a mention, e.g. "at two o' clock" "on the fifth july". In this example, the words "a la" occur in the middle of the mention and additionally "asistente a la curva" is semantically equivalent to "curve assistant" so if we were tagging this as a driving mode, we would not split it into two separate mentions.


    a) The confirm intent requires an explicit approbation keyword (e.g. "yes", "sure", "go ahead"). Since we do not have an explicit keyword in this example, we use "enable" and not "confirm:enable"

    b) In the guidelines we have this example with "curves": environmentcontrol:enable:drivingassistmodespeed_adjustment -- go at the optimal speed through [curves]<speed_adjustment_criterion>

    Semantically, this is the same as requesting the system to "activate the curve assistant" So, we choose the same parsetype - environmentcontrol:enable:drivingassistmodespeed_adjustment

    c) We then tag "curva" as <speed_adjustment_criterion>

    Correct annotation: environmentcontrol:enable:drivingassistmodespeed_adjustment -- activa el asistente a la [curva]<speed_adjustment_criterion>

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    Asked: 2022-08-11 16:10:55 +0000

    Seen: 166 times

    Last updated: Aug 11 '22