You are seeing this message because you are using the Django runserver and the DEBUG setting is False.

Runserver should not be used in the production.

If you do not see page the styling - set DEBUG = True or use --insecure flag with the runserver command.

To serve the static media in the production:

  • configure your webserver to alias the urls starting with /m/ to the directory /root/askbot/askbot-devel-master/myappmysql1/askbot_site/static;
  • run python collectstatic.

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    Revision history [back]

    click to hide/show revision 1
    initial version

    Confused why 'open the television function' belongs to settings:get

    We find an example in the guideline: settings:get -- open the [television]<setting_name> function In my opinion, when one 'pulls up' a function, one wants to get the app/feature rather than its settings. Kindly point out if I am wrong :D We are curious about this since we just encountered another utterance in one of the ongoing batches, which is "do you know if there is a navigation function". I was thinking to annotate it as "web_app:get:app -- do you know if there is a [navigation]<app> function", but just found this one quite similar to the one listed above and now confused. Appreciate your help and time in advance!

    Confused why 'open the television function' belongs to settings:get

    Utterance: open the television function Annotation: settings:get -- open the [television]<setting_name> function Question: We find an example in the guideline: settings:get -- open the [television]<setting_name> function function

    In my opinion, when one 'pulls up' a function, one wants to get the app/feature rather than its settings. Kindly point out if I am wrong :D :D

    We are curious about this since we just encountered another utterance in one of the ongoing batches, which is "do you know if there is a navigation function". I was thinking to annotate it as "web_app:get:app -- do you know if there is a [navigation]<app> function", but just found this one quite similar to the one listed above and now confused. confused.

    Appreciate your help and time in advance!

    Confused why 'open the television function' belongs to settings:get

    Utterance: open the television function function

    Annotation: settings:get -- open the [television]<setting_name> function function

    Question: We find an example in the guideline: settings:get -- open the [television]<setting_name> function function

    In my opinion, when one 'pulls up' a function, one wants to get the app/feature rather than its settings. Kindly point out if I am wrong :D :D

    We are curious about this since we just encountered another utterance in one of the ongoing batches, which is "do you know if there is a navigation function". I was thinking to annotate it as "web_app:get:app -- do you know if there is a [navigation]<app> function", but just found this one quite similar to the one listed above and now confused. confused.

    Appreciate your help and time in advance!