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    Revision history [back]

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    initial version

    Not sure whether a query about an author of a book belongs to knowledge:display or generic:other

    Utterance: who wrote pride and prejudice Annotation proposed: 1. knowledge:display -- [who wrote pride and prejudice]<searchphrase> 2. generic:other -- who wrote pride and prejudice (coz generic:getcreator has no metion and object suitable) Question: I fully understand why there is a 'generic:getcreator' since an intent of 'getcreator' can belongs to multiple domains given the lack of context. However, when it comes to queries about authors of books things can be a lot different since the context is enough to make the utterance belongs to the knowledge domain, which, I quote, is a domain suitable for 'queries asking implicit (e.g. 'obama age') or explicit (e.g. 'how old is obama') questions with short factual answers'. Kindly provide your opinion on this.

    Not sure whether a query about an author of a book belongs to knowledge:display or generic:other

    Utterance: who wrote pride and prejudice

    Annotation proposed: proposed:

      1. knowledge:display -- [who wrote pride and prejudice]<searchphrase>
        2. generic:other -- who wrote pride and prejudice (coz generic:getcreator has no metion and object suitable) Question:


    I fully understand why there is a 'generic:getcreator' 'generic:getcreator' since an intent of 'getcreator' 'getcreator' can belongs to multiple domains given the lack of context. However, when it comes to queries about authors of books things can be a lot different since the context is enough to make the utterance belongs to the knowledge domain, which, I quote, is a domain suitable for 'queries asking implicit (e.g. 'obama age') or explicit (e.g. 'how old is obama') questions with short factual answers'. Kindly provide your opinion on this.