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    Revision history [back]

    click to hide/show revision 1
    initial version

    Confused why it belongs to "exchange_rate"


    jaký je směnný kurz z botswanské puly na turkmenský manat

    English translation:

    what is the exchange rate from Botswana pula to Turkmen manat


    knowledge:conversion -- jaký je směnný kurz z [sourcecurrency] botswanské puly [/sourcecurrency] na [targetcurrency] turkmenský manat [/targetcurrency]

    Corrected_annotation by reviewer

    knowledge:exchange_rate -- jaký je směnný kurz z [sourcecurrency] libry [/sourcecurrency] na [targetcurrency] euro [/targetcurrency]


    We find an example in the guideline:

    knowledge:conversion -- i want to exchange some money to [thai baht]<target_currency>

    (Note: Also this uses the word 'exchange', it is not clear that the user wants the conversion for only a single unit of currency.)

    Our understanding of this utterance prefers that the user is for requests to conversion between two units of currency though it includes the keyword "exchange rate". So we confused why it belongs to "knowledge:exchange_rate" intent. Please give us your thought on this. Thanks.