温 度 を 二 二 度 に し て
EN translation:
make the temperature to 22 degrees
change the temperature to 22 degrees
environment_control:set:temperature -- 温 度 を [二 二]<absolute_value> [度]<unit> に し て
environment_control:change:temperature -- 温 度 を [二 二]<new_absolute_value> [度]<new_unit> に し て
"し て" can be translated into several meanings, such as "change", "turn...to..", "make...". We are not sure the exact translation of this word in above context. So please advise how to deal with this situation.
We also meet the same situation in the following texts: "全 画 面 に し て" "松 任 谷 由 実 に し て". We are confused if the exact translation of "し て" is apt to these contexts. Kindly let us know your thoughts, thanks!