activa el asistente a la curva
English translation:
activate the curve assistant
1.environmentcontrol:confirm:enable:drivingassist_mode -- activa el [asistente a la curva]<driving_assist_mode>
2.environmentcontrol:confirm:enable:drivingassist_mode -- activa el [asistente]<driving_assist_mode> a la [curva]<driving_assist_mode>
According to the guideline: "Unless a mention has specific rules saying otherwise, only include articles and prepositions and other filler words in a mention if they are necessary for the mention to make sense."
"a" and "la" are articles in this utterance, but we are not sure if "a la", "asistente" and "curva" should be annotated as a whole word. Or we should annotate "asistente" and "curva" as "drivingassistmode" respectively, because "asistente a la curva" is not a compound word. Please advise which annotation is correct.