Not sure if "recommend" is the correct intent
==== To reply, PLEASE WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE -=-== Vanessa asked:
Not sure if "recommend" is the correct intent
mostra le mie liste raccomandate su siriusxm
English translation:
show my recommended lists on siriusxm
1.audio_media:get:playlist -- mostra le mie liste [raccomandate]<playlist> su [siriusxm]<provider>
2.audio_media:recommend:playlist -- mostra le mie liste [raccomandate]<playlist> su [siriusxm]<provider>
"show" belongs to "get" intent, so we put this utterance in "get" intent. But we find an example in the guideline:
generic:recommend -- show me recommendations
So we are not sure if "recommend" is the correct intent. Please advise how to deal with this situation.